05 January 2021
Dry pruning

This morning we woke to a very low temperature, however the sun is already coming out and the air is clearing up: a pleasant day of work outside is expected. We are hard at work dry pruning, one of the main tasks in the vineyard during the winter months and fundamental to vineyard management. This type of pruning is carried out in the winter months and its purpose is to achieve a balance in the vines’ growth, in terms of vegetation and production. It will also influence the yield and quality of the grapes.
Our pruning technique focuses on the vine’s physiology, as proposed by the Simonit & Sirch method. In order to eliminate or reduce stress, we carefully evaluate where to position the cuts so that we do not interrupt the vine’s lymphatic flow and we pay close attention to the vine’s hydraulic and lymphatic circulation. Each cut represents a little trauma for the vine, a scar we must compensate for and our duty is to act as delicately as possible: we do not make deep cuts and we respect the wood by keeping a portion of it intact after the cut which supports the scarring that will prevent pathogens from entering.